家委會期末聯誼暨親職講座圓滿成功。本次講座聯誼場地在國美館秋山堂,這美麗的場地為活動增添了溫馨的氛圍。在香韻茶水和精緻茶點中,讓大家在舒適的環境中享受這個有意義的聯誼與講座。 武自珍教授深入淺出地向我們說明了「除草機父母」的概念,並提醒我們作為家長的角色與責任。鼓勵我們適度放手,讓孩子們能夠獨立成長,面對人生的挑戰。
家委會期末聯誼暨親職講座圓滿成功。本次講座聯誼場地在國美館秋山堂,這美麗的場地為活動增添了溫馨的氛圍。在香韻茶水和精緻茶點中,讓大家在舒適的環境中享受這個有意義的聯誼與講座。 武自珍教授深入淺出地向我們說明了「除草機父母」的概念,並提醒我們作為家長的角色與責任。鼓勵我們適度放手,讓孩子們能夠獨立成長,面對人生的挑戰。
Praying for Wagor Students' Success in Admissions
Today, our schools’ principals and representatives from the Parents’ Committee went to the Wen Chang Temple, where they prayed for blessings and success for students in their upcoming school applications, and to help make their dreams come true. As a community, we shared our hopes and desires with the deity, seeking academic excellence and recognition on the honor roll as a testament to everyone’s hard work and perseverance. We trust that the deity will listen to our prayers, offer strength and guidance, and help all of us overcome any challenges that may arise, as we work towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.